Saturday, May 18, 2013

Moving Frustration

Thursday morning I woke up to:
1. the microwave on the fritz.  Since I'm trying to finish off the food in the refrigerator, this is the appliance I use the most.  Don't judge me.
2. the irrigation system not working.  It's a matter of hours before Tucson gets its first 100 degree day and this is not good.  My plants look pained.
3. a mix up with my insurance at my primary care provider. This just hours before I was scheduled to see my doctor.

So, I called a work order in for the microwave to be fixed.  My husband made a great suggestion, that I just go buy a small microwave.  I'm going to do this after the repairman comes to fix the irrigation.

Which segues into THIS:

  1. I called the irrigation office and was told someone would call me back.  Two hours later, still no phone call.
  2. My DH calls me all the way from Paris and gets an earful from me-not sweet murmuring in his ears, either.  HE calls them long distance and voila, HE gets the owner.  Minutes later, I get a call from them, and am on their schedule for Saturday at 9 a.m.
  3. Saturday morning, 9 a.m.  NO REPAIRMAN. Why am I not surprised?  DH calls to find out if he's here yet and gets an earful again.  DH calls them and you know what happens.  I get an immediate phone call, but not what I want to hear.
  4. "The repairman is running late-45 minutes to an hour."  It's now going on 2 hours after the original "scheduled" visit.  
Don't even get me started on the office staff my doctor employs.  They gave me the impression that my doctor wasn't accepting my insurance any more, when it wasn't that at all.  Once again, it took a phone call from my husband in PARIS to straighten things out.  
Which leads to:
I call the doctor's office to reschedule my appointment and I get *put*on*HOLD* forever.  I hung up and redialed and was put straight through to the woman who messed things up in the first place.

I often wonder why my veterinarian's staff is much more on the ball and efficient than my own doctor?  Why my vet herself, actually CALLS me to find out how my pets are doing, even after a routine check?  Why do I never develop mange or rabies so I can see my vet and get taken care of quickly?  

What does this rant have to do with moving to Paris?  Maybe nothing, but this is my blog after all.  
Thursday's events just show how emotional a move can be, with frustration being a major part of it.  
Why do things like this happen when Mark's not here?  Why am I the one who gets to deal with this crap?  Why do people fail to do what they are paid to do, and in a timely manner?

I'm so annoyed I could scream sometimes.  A high pitched howling should get me seen by my veterinarian anyway.

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