Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Inflatable Furniture--its Time has Come

  Friday May 31 was the longest day of this move.  The crew didn't leave until 7:30 p.m.  This move is now the longest one we ever had to endure-4 days of packing and loading.  We were so done with it 2 days ago.
  Today was very emotional, stressed and tiring.  It started with me having to take my panther chameleon, Tiger, to the vet to be helped over the Rainbow Bridge.  Tiger was an elderly chameleon, 4 years old, and had quit eating.  My vet, Dr. Yeager, agreed that it was time.  He was so thin and his eyes were sunken.  So I handed over my colorful companion to Dr. Yeager.  I also said my goodbyes to her and her wonderful staff and was told I was going to be missed.
  I went back to the chaos at our house for a short while then left for Kaitlin's Creative Cottage.  For the last time, I enjoyed being with my artistic friends.  We laughed a lot and traded stories, and promised to stay in touch.  I'm going to miss these creative and compassionate women and am glad for the short time I had them in my life.  
  It was almost 3 p.m. when I got back to the house.  I saw 2 moving trucks in our driveway and my  heart just fell.  They were supposed to have finished up by noon!  I was not happy.
  Thursday the movers couldn't get our overstuffed sofa out of the living room.  Well, the men who delivered it to our home obviously got it inside, didn't they?  So they lifted it up, turned it this way and that, walked it down the hallway and otherwise took it for a parade through the house.  They even removed the window in the living room to try to take it out that way. FINALLY they listened to me when I told them to remove the moving blankets and the plastic wrap. And yes, the sofa went right through the front door. 
  Lack of sleep, fatigue, stress and 98 degrees--it wasn't surprising that I got a major migraine headache.  What awful timing!  Light streaming in, noise, and heat-all of it made me nauseous and gave me such a headache I could've punched myself, hoping to get relief.  The pain was so awful that I had tears running down my face.  I just wanted to lie down and whimper.  So I went to the darkest room and laid on the carpet. Two tablets and two cups of strong coffee and I managed to pull myself together.
  The estimator was apologetic about how long it took and said he learns from every move. What he should learn is to listen to us experienced moving victims when it comes to how long a job will take. This move has been the worst of ALL our other moves combined. And that includes TWO trips overseas.
  The best thing we did for ourselves that day was to make a hotel reservation.  I tried to find my sense of humor again.  Pretty sure it is in the very last box packed. 

1 comment:

  1. O Dear Theresa~We miss you sooooo much! We toasted you with lemonade and cookies yesterday at The Creative Cottage--the first Friday in months that we've not had your smilig face and amazing creative energy in the room! We hope you are settling in and catching up with yourself a wee bit. Can't wait to hear about all your new adventures and see posts of your new art projects. You always have a loving circle of frieds at The Creative Cottage and we are sending you oodles of love! Kaitlin and the Cottage Chix
