Saturday, April 13, 2013

And So it Begins

  I'm a firm believer in saying "YES!"  to something I want  or believe in, even if I don't know how I'm going to pull it off.  Which is how this whole "living in Paris" thing came up.  The opportunity presented itself to my husband, and he asked me what I thought.  I took the time a mayfly has to live to ponder it.  A major life change deserves at least 30 minutes to 24 hours thought.  "Yes.  Yes.  YES!"  We were going to go for it.
  It's been a *month*-the only way I can describe it.  My husband, who I shall henceforth call "DH", was on the phone and his computer full-time.  There's an 8 hour difference between Tucson and Paris, so that made for phone calls at inopportune times.  We've learned from all our moves to never count on anything unless you have it on paper.  So we held our breath until the papers arrived.
  We've been married 27 years.  We've lived in 7 states and 2 foreign countries in that time span.  As an Army brat and an Air Force wife (DH retired from the Air Force after 20 years) we have some experience with moving.  (Despite every move being different, there are some things in common.  Like a huge fight sometime or losing a dog or two in the packing material.)  So we kinda know what we're in for.
  We have To Do lists on reams of paper.  Item #1 on mine is "Have a LOT of aspirin on hand."  I was going to write more about this move, but suddenly I have a headache.


  1. How VERY exciting!!!! I was also an Army wife, a hundred years ago, and made many moves...including to Okinawa and Germany. Yes, moves are NOT easy...but so worth the experiences you will get! PARIS??? Can I just say...jealous????

  2. Thanks for the comment! We military wives are amazing. We could write books about our moving experiences!

  3. I'm looking forward to sharing in this new chapter of your life! I know it will be manifique!!!
