Sunday, April 14, 2013

Plan of Action Part I

 Some of our friends have wondered what I was going to do with all my pets while M works in Paris?  Of course I want to live in Paris the entire time my husband is there.  But that's not going to be possible for me and I'm fine with it.  I have several "Fids"--furred, feathered and finned "kids", who are my family and there is no way I am willing to part with them.  So we're going to do what we did when M went to work in London a few years ago.  I'll stay back in the States and travel to Paris as much as possible and stay as long as possible.  M's company will pay for me to fly to Paris once a year every year he's there.  M has thousands of  Frequent Flier Miles that need to be used.
  We do have some major differences this time-I have more pets than a few years ago.  I have my 2 cockatoos and a Meyers parrot.  I've been lucky to have someone take care of them who has experience with exotic birds.  My turtles don't require any special care but my pet chameleon does.  It's VERY expensive to have to board my dogs for any length of time, and now I have six of them.
   We also know we aren't coming back here to Tucson to after our time in Paris.  Jobs in my husband's field are getting harder to find here.  After all this time he wants to do something different, and we don't want to do it here.  So we've made some major decisions.  We've decided to sell this house.
  Since we've been married, we've bought and sold more than half a dozen houses. Realtors are not my favorite people.  I have experiences with them that still make my hair stand on end.  Like the realtor who called us from OUR DRIVEWAY to say "We were just driving by and saw the For Sale sign and wonder if we can look at your house?"  And the realtor in Colorado Springs who assured us she'd called a seller to see her house only to find one very annoyed seller who was adamant she hadn't.  Then there was the realtor who seemed to ignore our desires and showed us exactly what we didn't want....Anyway, you get the idea.  Realtors give me a headache.
  So what did I discover today?  That M had hired a realtor and insisted he'd sent me an email telling me so.  A check of my spam and my email showed "Oh no you didn't".  Cue the beginnings of a headache.  Then the realtor called this afternoon and wanted to know if he could send a photographer out this Friday to our house?  WHAT?!  M doesn't even know when he's supposed to be in Paris to start work.  He doesn't even know when he'll be back here to help with the household move. I could still be here in July.  And the realtor is hot to start the FOR SALE process now?  What part of "We don't want to still be living here when the house is for sale" did he not get?
   My first impulse was to panic.  Get the house cleaned, keep the bird room neat (ha!) and as for my studio... I know the realtor loves our house but did he really see my studio when he walked through?  I KNOW a house should be de-cluttered before it gets shown.  Again--did the realtor really SEE my studio when he walked through?
  Guess what?  This time around I'm doing things my way.  No one, not even M is going to rush me.  I will not be at a realtor's beck and call.  I am the seller.  And I'm in no big hurry.
  Our things here will go into storage.  I'm moving with my menagerie, to Colorado Springs while my husband is in Paris.
 No move is ever simple,many things can happen or go wrong.  I have lots of experience from all the moves we've made over the years.  And I have the headaches to prove it.

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